Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sore Eyes

In another planet, somewhere else apart from earth, possibly another universe… who knows, you’ll have to ask the scientist for their gibberish equations, there live humans. Same as the ones that you see around. Humans with hair, eyes, legs, hand, the whole picture, even the minute hair in the hidden places. The only difference is that they have red eyes. 

Once a long time ago, in an age forgotten by even the old, Hal looked up to the sky, stared into the star filled night and maybe… just maybe, he saw a glimpse of our earth and the most contagious illness passed through that hole he saw. And then his eyes became red! 

At first he did not notice it, but in the morning his eye lids were glued together, stuck with some thick paste that had obliviously secreted out of his eye pores. He washed his eyes and did not know what was happening to him. Though his eye throbbed a bit that was no reason to stop him from going to work. So to work he went. His eyes stared at papers, stared at his lunch and stared at people. And like the contiguous disease it was, it began spreading. 

However, unlike our earth, the human’s of this earth did not recover from this illness. Forever they were plagued with it. By the time they reached their senior years, their vision was blurred and their eyes had to be replaced by bionics. From the time a child is born, after every nap, their eyes had to washed of the goo that over laid the eye lids. They wailed even more than usual for the throbbing pain that it caused their eyes. 

On our earth we are lucky, not because the illness is any less painful, but our strong bodies are able to recover from it. Yet, even on our earth, all it takes is for one person in a house, in a room and that would be more than enough for everyone to go home and get up with goo gluing their eye lids together. 

We call it, conjunctivitis, sore eyes. In the far away neighboring earth of another universe, it is called forever illness since it stays with you forever once you get it. 


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